Collection 1997


Written by Adrian OPRE on . Posted in Volume I, Nr. 3


The flowering of neuropsychology research within cognitive science has been accelerated by the development of new methods for observing the working brain. The goal ofthepresentpaper is to show tbat localized'paterns ofactivity during cognition can now be observed in the intact or damaged brain using methods such as: Computer Tomography, CT; Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI; Cerebral Blood Flow, CRB; Positrion Emision Tomography, PET. An introduction to technical and methodological aspects of these techniques and selected examples of applications in Cognitive Science will be presented. Although their spatia! and temporal resolution is limited, these methods alow researchers to observe directely some of what must be infered in the traditional method of correlating cognitive performance with the locations of brain lesions.

Keywordscognitive neurosciences, brain imagery, methods - CT, MRI, CRB, PET.